Guide and tips for polishing your vehicle

For more and more drivers, the vehicle is not just a means of transport to get from A to B as easily as possible. The car these days is also viewed by its owner as a pastime and hobby, it is a collector's item and for some even a status symbol. So it is not surprising that more and more car owners want to take special care of their car. Washing in car washes is the traditional way to get the exterior of a vehicle looking good again. But one of the most popular maintenance jobs on the vehicle is still polishing the paintwork. In contrast to a simple car wash, polishing the paintwork makes it possible to completely remove insect remains, as well as small scratches in the paintwork or external factors such as traces of salt from the winter.

What is the paint on the vehicle for?

Many compare the paint on a car to human skin. It not only protects the entire body of the vehicle, but also gives it a certain style and a special exterior. A glossy finish and a sporty color quickly provide information about the performance and value of a vehicle. An intensive car polish not only ensures that your vehicle looks new again, it also maintains the protective function on the vehicle.

How do I polish my vehicle the right way Way?

First, you should clean your vehicle thoroughly. If you want to visit a car wash, then make sure that no bristles are used here. Make sure your vehicle is completely clean. If you don't do this, the smallest dirt particles could act like sandpaper during polishing and even damage the paintwork! Insect residues should also be completely gone before the car polish starts. Normal car washes are usually not able to do this. You should then acquire special means intended to remove insects from the bodywork. Also make sure that in some regions you are not allowed to wash the vehicle privately. The dirty water, which is mixed with chemicals, can get into the groundwater here. This must be avoided at all costs.

Minor paint damage should also be repaired as soon as possible, because once the rust sets in, you will have to dig much deeper into your pocket.

Shortly before starting the polishing work, you should make sure to mask off the headlights and windows. In addition, the body must be absolutely dry. And: polish in a shady place. Because the sun can leave stains in the paint.

For the actual polishing by hand, only a certain sponge, a microfiber cloth and the polish itself are required. It is best to wear gloves here to protect your skin. While polishing, you should make circular movements. In order to save your strength, you can of course also make use of polishing machines, but this is better left to the professionals. So if you want to benefit from a polishing machine, put your car directly in the hands of the professionals. Because when using a polishing machine, you have to pay close attention to using the right pressure. If too much or too little pressure is applied here, the result can be disappointing.

Apply hard wax: how does it work?

Just like polishing the vehicle, the process is pretty much the same here: you apply wax to the sponge and you will now apply this to the paint in a circular motion. Here, too, headlights, windows and plastic parts should be well covered to avoid contact. Wearing gloves is only recommended here. Now you should let the wax dry a bit. Then it's time to work with the microfiber cloth. You should use it to treat the paintwork until there are no more wax residues.

Nano sealing: what exactly is that?

The nano sealing is a relatively new way to protect the paint as best as possible and bring it to a high gloss. Here, nanoparticles are sprayed onto the paint, which then forms a protective layer on the paint when it hardens. This means that dirt particles and the effects of the weather can be blocked off in the best possible way. In addition, rain simply rolls off the protective layer, so your vehicle always looks like a car that has just been polished.

The grinding part of car polishes

Before purchasing any polish, it is important to pay attention to the abrasive content of the product you are considering purchasing. You should make sure that the granulation of the agent is not too large, as this can damage the paintwork. However, if you use a product that has too fine a grain size, you will hardly be able to achieve a satisfactory result. If you own a relatively new car, then you might want to go for a low to medium amount of sanding as the car hasn't been badly damaged by the weather. With a new car, on the other hand, there is no need to polish it at all. It shouldn't be necessary here.

If you are the owner of an old vehicle, or even a vintage car, then you should be particularly careful, because old paintwork is of course more sensitive. In this case, it is advisable to contact a specialist and have professional work carried out.

The conclusion and a tip from CarTipsandmore

Every passionate car enthusiast knows it: if you are proud of your car, then you like to spend time looking after it. A car polish is a particularly intensive way of caring for a car. But with the aggressive effects of the weather, the dirt particles on the streets and the small damage to the paintwork caused by stones on the street, there is often no way around polishing the paintwork. However, CarTipsandmore recommends that polishing should not be taken lightly. Proceed thoroughly, find out exactly about the individual steps of the polishing work and stick to the tips that we have suggested in this article. If you have any questions about the polish or if you are unsure about the process, consult a professional. The paint of a vehicle is not only a visual highlight, but also the protective cover of the body. So don't do things by halves here and protect yourself.

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